家具烤漆房设计需按国家环保、卫生、安全生产等规范,提供喷漆所需要的洁净空气,合适的照度、温 度、湿度以及均匀合理的气流等,及时将污染的空气排出。而家具烤漆房需要提供油漆烘烤所需要的均匀温度 场、合适的湿度、清洁的热空气、废气排放等功能。在喷漆时,室内采用全新风送风,送风的湿度、温度不受 室体底部存水的影响。
The furniture lacquer room should be designed according to the national environmental protection, health, safety and other standards, providing clean air for spray paint, appropriate illumination, temperature, humidity and uniform and reasonable air flow and so on, and discharge the polluted air in time. The furniture baking room needs to provide uniform temperature field, suitable humidity, clean hot air, exhaust emission and so on. When spraying, the indoor air is supplied with fresh air. The humidity and temperature of the air supply are not affected by the water storage at the bottom of the chamber.
喷漆房,顾名思义就是在一个房间里对过滤喷漆对象进行喷漆,也被叫做烤漆房。专用环境的设备,能满足涂装作业对温度、湿度、光照度、空气洁净度等要求;能将喷漆作业时产生的漆雾及 有机废气限制并处理后排放,是环保型的涂装设备。
Spray paint room, as the name suggests, is in a room to spray paint objects, painting is also known as baking paint room. The equipment of special environment can meet the requirements of temperature, humidity, light intensity and air cleanliness of the painting operation. It is an environmentally friendly coating equipment to restrict the paint mist and organic waste gas produced during the painting operation.
烤漆时,为节省能源,热风循环使用。由于湿式家具烤漆房室体格栅下部有水,如不采 取措施,挥发的水分会通过循环系统回送到室内,增加室内循环风的湿度,导致室内湿度超标。一般,夏季大 气的湿度较高,而冬季湿度较低,此外湿度的高低还与地区有很大的关系。涂装标准规定,涂装设备内相对湿 度应该在55%~75%之间。
When painting, energy saving and hot air circulation are used. Because there is water in the lower part of the chamber of the wet furniture, if no measures are taken, the moisture of the volatilization will be returned to the room through the circulation system to increase the humidity of the indoor circulation wind, causing the indoor humidity to exceed the standard. In general, the humidity in summer is high, while the humidity in winter is low. Moreover, the humidity is also highly related to the area. The painting standard stipulates that the relative humidity in the painting equipment should be between 55%~75%.
对喷漆质量要求高的场合。为保证适宜的湿度,可以在送风系统中采用加湿和除湿装置 ,但大风量的空气调节装置造价、占用空间大,在使用中会增加运行费用。 专业的无尘喷漆房环保性能也是要比普通产品更好,而且使用到的设备多数都 是具有节能的性能,可以很好的帮助我们节省更多的能源和资金。而且安装也是非常方便的,稳固性要更强一些,使用的材料都是采用的专业产品类型,质量过硬,性价比也要更高。虽然说价格可能会稍高一些,但是从 长远的使用角度来讲,这样专业的产品才是我们的。
The situation where the quality of the spray paint is high. In order to ensure suitable humidity, the humidifier and dehumidification device can be used in the air supply system, but the cost of the air conditioning unit with large air volume is large, and the operating cost will be increased in the use. Professional dust-free spray rooms are better than ordinary products, and most of the equipment used are energy-saving, which can help us save more energy and money. And the installation is also very convenient, stronger, the use of materials are used in the professional product type, excellent quality, cost-effective also to be higher. Although the price may be a little higher, but from a long-term point of view, such a professional product is our first choice.
使用无尘喷漆房操作的喷漆工作也要更加的简单一些,工作效率提升对商家 来讲是的选择。这类喷漆房的稳定性都是要更高一些的,而且可以根据我们的实际需求来进行设计, 而且安装的过程也都应该由专人来进行全面的处理,这样才能够保证的安装效果。相信稳定性更强的设备 是我们的,也可以确保的性价比。
The use of dustless spray paint operation of the painting work is also more simple, and efficiency is definitely the best choice for businessmen. The stability of this kind of painting room is higher, and it can be designed according to our actual needs, and the process of installation should also be handled by the special person to ensure the best installation effect. We believe that the more stable equipment is our first choice and the best cost performance.
我们可以选择到的喷漆房还是有很多的种类,不同的商家需求不同,自然选择到的产品种类也会有很大的差异 。但是不管是何种类型的设备,都是要根据我们的需求来进行设计。而现在无尘的喷漆房也受到了消费者的认 可,价格上虽然说要稍高一些,但是只要找到了专业商家,对方提供的产品还是值得我们信赖的,而且性价比 也很高。
There are still many kinds of paint shops that we can choose to choose from. Different business needs are different. There will be great differences in the types of products selected by natural selection. But no matter what type of equipment it is, we have to design it according to our needs. And now the clean painting room is also recognized by consumers, although the price is a little higher, but as long as found the professional business, the other product is worthy of our trust, and the price ratio is very high.
章丘市同盛涂装设备厂(),位于济南市东郊的章丘市辛寨镇驻地。公司企业法人侯祥平自1990年起 从业在涂装行业。曾在华誉、金城、华丰、兴盛等多家烤漆设备厂,生产、安装、设计、销售和建厂。由此积 累了专业经验和好多的朋友。
章丘市同盛涂装设备厂自正式注册成为独立法人企业时起,同步与业内老朋友单位达成了兄弟合作支持单位。 并吸收了大量的专业技术人员。在专业技术人员与员工的努力支持下,基于汽车喷烤漆房、家具喷烤漆房基础 上,本厂又开发研究推出了:各种大、中、小型,涂装流水线、喷砂房、中央除尘和多种无尘打磨台等系列喷 涂设备。
我公司实力雄厚、技术先进、拥有多名工程技术人员。先进的技术和专业的人才使得产品质量得到了极大 的保证。“环保、节能、提高效率、改善工作环境”是我们永恒的追求目标。专业的制造技术、优良的品质、 环保喷涂,是您明智的选择!